
Because my parents were both politically active, I got to meet a lot of politicians from an early age. Here I am shaking hands with Sen. Terry Sanford. Photo credit: Ricky Stilley, The Henderson Daily Dispatch

I’ve loved public relations my whole life. In fact, I was in elementary school when I ran my first communications campaign. Every day when the garbage truck came to my house, I would run to the window and talk to the man who collected our trash. After getting to know him, I thought my new friend Buddy deserved acclamation for his hard work, so I had the city council invite us to one of their meetings so they could publicly recognize him for his service to the city.

I was hooked.

For more than 15 years, I have put my communication skills to work for businesses, nonprofits, and political candidates – helping them increase revenue, build brands, and influence policymaking. As a strategic partner, I work with clients to define their goals, identify their audiences, craft the messages that move those audiences, and determine the right medium to deliver those messages.

Everyone has a story to tell, and I want to help you tell yours.

28 years after that city council meeting, as a professional with more than 15 years of experience, I still relish the feeling of seeing my vision, strategy, and communications skills make a difference. Over the course of my career, I have developed and executed public relations, public affairs, and marketing campaigns for luxury real estate companies, local and national restaurants, a high-end food hall, education-focused nonprofits, and advocacy organizations. I have also written speeches, talking points, op-eds, and social media posts for executives, experts, elected officials, and celebrities and provided them with media training when needed.

Recently, I worked with an early childhood education and health organization, growing their email list size by 27% and their social media engagement and following metric by 47% while keeping email open rates over 40%. I also led the crisis communications strategy when their CEO resigned, ensuring key stakeholders were reassured about the organization’s stability without generating unwanted attention.

I previously helped companies in a variety of industries improve their stakeholder engagement, environmental justice, media relations, and brand awareness strategies. I had a hand in passing landmark legislation, successfully navigating government procurement processes, and developing plans for engaging with a wide range of stakeholders - from federal regulators to consumers and the general public. I led the Sierra Club’s communications for the 2017 People’s Climate March, their wildly successful campaigns against the gas pipeline buildout, and their opposition to rolling back the Clean Water Act.

Having consulted with clients as varied as luxury real estate companies, highly acclaimed chefs, restaurants, executives, colleges, and nonprofits, I know how to work with clients to determine what their actual goals are, instead of sending a press release just for the sake of saying you did so. Much of my work has been geared toward establishing, elevating, and protecting clients’ brands, including product launches, crisis communications, and reputation management.

If you need – or want to know if you need – any of these services, please let me know. I would be happy to chat!