Service Areas

My services are roughly divided into three separate but complementary practice areas: public relations, public affairs, and marketing. I’m a firm believer that all external communications should be coordinated – the left hand must know what the right is doing – but you need different messages and strategies to reach the different audiences you need to move in order to accomplish your goals, and this framework reinforces that.

Public Relations

Anything from your organization that might reach your customers, members, or the general public that isn’t paid advertising.

If you believe Jeff Bezos is correct in saying “your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room,” then public relations is any external communication designed to influence that opinion. What are you saying about yourself to influence what others say about you? Are you saying the same thing on your website, in your press releases, and in your legal filings? Are you sure about that?

Public Affairs

Where public relations meets politics - If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.

The policies, laws, and regulations passed and enforced by governments touch every aspect of your business, organization, or community, so if you’re not advocating for yourself, who is? As a veteran of several political campaigns, I know how elected officials really think and what actually motivates them. I’ve put that experience to work for years to stop harmful projects, pass landmark legislation, and influence regulatory enforcement. So are you at the table, or on the menu?


Everything you do to make consumers want to buy your goods, engage your services, or support your cause.

Who are your potential customers? How do you reach them? What will get their attention and differentiate you from your competitors? I have led the creation of everything from billboards to mail pieces, email campaigns to product packaging, search engine optimization strategies to YouTube videos and everything in between. Can I help you do the same?


    • Fractional Communications/Marketing Director

    • Communications Plans

    • Crisis Communications Plans

    • Marketing Plans

    • Brand Development

    • Product Launches

    • Communications and Messaging Audits

    • Message Development

    • Planning Meeting Facilitation

    • Surveys, Feedback, and Polling

    • Press Releases

    • Pitching Media

    • Fielding Media Inquiries

    • Media Training

    • Crisis Communications

    • Thought Leadership & Executive Communications

    • Press Conferences

    • Webinars

    • Town Halls

    • Panel Discussions

    • Meetings with Elected Officials and Regulators

    • Video Production

    • Photo Shoots

    • Direct Mail

    • Social Media